Catholic Mission Dream?
1. Fr.Abel Gabuza - South Africa....
Can you dream?
Can you dream...
...of a fair world...
...of peace not violence...
...of love not hate...
...of life for all.
2. Manuela Macri -works with street boys- Tanzania.
and Jesus said...
" I have come that they may have life... to the full."
3. Mission in action:
-health care
-human rights
-clean water
-peace building
-AIDS Care
" We can dream...
and we can reach out
...in every land
to everyone.
I remember the examples of mission life:
" The first time I go to the camp, I nearly cry because I see they have no future."
Refugee labourers: Misty Mountains, Thailand.
4. " One world one family,
One Mission of Love."
Example: Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC), Basic Christian Community(BCC),
Small Christian Community (SCC)
-How the diocese is being renewed by small' Basic Christian Communities"
in spired by Gospel.
- A fruit of this is people are reaching out to each other,
creating strong communities and healthy families.
The programs that help them are an integral part of the many pastoral activities
of Archdiocese of Thare Nongseng in the Northeast of Thailand which covers the two areas
of Sakon Nakhon and Kalasin.
For me I realize that Catholic Mission , we can start by touch the vision of Catholic Mission in Step 1, Do something for God in someone suddenly in Step 2, Develop to all Mission in Actions of Step 3 and set the process of a new or renew fruit of Catholic Mission - A truly Apostle of Jesus in our mission -Step 4 -BEC, BCC and SCC.
For me, Jesus ploclaim His Vision and Mission in Luke 4:16-19
One for all, Unity of Mission in Luke 22:14-20, John 13,14
Remember Jesus Christ: Emmaus Luke 24:13-35
Mission to the world: Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 1:8
Holy Spirit in Mission: Acts 2:1-13
Early fruits of Mission: Acts 2:37-41
Life of Early Christian: Acts 2:42-47
God with us: Matthew: 18:19-20, Matthew 22:34-40,
Kingdom of God: Matthew 13:44-45,
Mission -Read Matthew 13
For me, I like the process of Mission in the present, " Remember Me" in Word, Eucharist to mission for God in all. I realize the process with two diciples at Emmaus.
Emmaus Mission Center
"Remember Me?"
228 Wisutkasart street, Amphur Maung, Pitsanulok, Thailand.
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